Today's post is about one of the 3D Printing adaptation that I learned. This is specifically about how to control an LED light automatically through OctoLapse so that it is switched on only when the timelapse photo is taken. Just as a background, I have been learning to use 3D printer and its customizations options for a few months now and was a lot of learning since then. The best thing was OctoPi, a platform for controlling the 3D printer and the many plugin options that are developed by the community. Most of them are like open source. Today we will discuss specifically about an adaptation to one such plugin, OctoLapse. OctoLapse is the plugin for taking timelapse photos, with many options for further customisations. One of the best timelapse method is taking photo after each layer is complete, by moving the head out of the way. You can use standard Pi Camera or a DSLR, which is great to get good resolution videos. One small flash back before we dive into the topic. ...
Very often, we would like to differenciate the rows that are having certain status (or specific values in a specific column) in a different color. We can filter for the status and apply the color manually, but we can also do that dynamically or automatically with a specific tweak to the Conditional Formatting feature in Excel